June 21 Fire Training & Meeting

Basic Wildland Fire Course

Fireman's Pancake Breakfast

Spring D.N.R.C. Fire Truck Inspection

Spring Fire Training Refresher

Two Creeks Fire Training

Make your home fire resistant
The Meagher County Commission and Fire Chief Seidlitz would like to remind residents to do their part in understanding the importance of fire mitigation and being prepared for the fire season. Two of the most important things for residents to do to be prepared for the fire season are to provide access for fire vehicles and the second is to have a defensible space of 100-feet clearance around their homes and property to give firefighters a chance to save it during a wildfire. With
Video of Park Hills flame retardant drop
Park Hills fire in 2008, video was shot by Heith Stdham using his cell phone.
Decals For the Fire Equipment