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The Meagher County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) was formed in 2001, largely with the assistance of local public health.  This committee meets four times a year, where the emergency services get together with local elected officals and public of Meagher County to discuss issues which effect emergency responce in Meagher County.  Meetings are in Jan, April, July and Oct, on the second tuesday at 12:00 pm. at the Meagher County Fire Hall (Training Center)
Rick Seidlitz
P.O. Box 469
White Sulphur Springs, MT.  59645
Phone: 406.547.4290
Fax:  406-547-3574
Marc Hamlen
118 Smith River Road
White Sulphur Springs, MT.  59645
Kari Jo Kiff RN (Public Health Nurse)
P.O. Box 309
White Sulphur Springs, MT.  59645
Phone: 406.547.3612 ext124
Meeting minutes attached below

LEPC_1.12.10[1].doc31.5 KB
Minutes_4-14-09[1].docx14.06 KB
1-20-2009[1].docx12.98 KB
9-9-2008[1].docx12.89 KB
Minutes_4-14-09[1].docx14.06 KB
Minutes_7-14-09[1].docx14.05 KB
10-13-2009[1].docx12.24 KB
LEPC_10.12.2010-doc[1].docx13.06 KB
1.11.11_Minutes[1].docx20.75 KB
4.12.11 Minutes.docx19.12 KB
7.12.11 Minutes.docx18.17 KB
10.11.11 Minutes.docx19.33 KB
Annual Meeting 2.14.12.docx19.83 KB

Public Meetings

No public Meetings

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Retardent Drop


*Monthly Fire Meeting* Third Monday 7:00 pm Training Center


County Commissioners

Meets 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month

Court House

City Council

Meets 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm

City Hall


Meets quarterly on the 2nd Tuesday 12:00 pm

Jan, April, July and Oct.

Training Center

City & County Fire

Meets every Third Monday 7:00 pm

Training Center

Grassy Mountain FD


At Training Center

Board Meeting.


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