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The E.O.P. (Emergency Operation Plan) identifies and assigns disaster responsibilities for city and county personnel in the preparation for, response to, recovery from and mitigation of natural or man-caused disasters. The jurisdictions included in this plan are the incorporated City of White Sulphur Springs and Meagher County.   This plan should provide the necessary guidance for the personnel who have responsibilities to provide their services to disaster victims and for the protection of property and lives. Regular testing and exercising will establish the groundwork for efficient and expeditious delivery of the assistance to times of emergency or disaster.   Revision and updating annually will keep this document valid and useful. Several supplementary documents support this plan and provide specific guidance in particular situations.   This plan is looked at every year and on the fifth year goes through a full revision. This year Meagher County received a grant from the federal government for a full revision and addition of a few new annexes. You can download the Emergeny Operation Plan below. Also below is the new Special Needs annex.  Please review and get to me any changes. For any help or questions please contact Meagher County D.E.S. Coordinator Rick Seidlitz at 406 547-4290 or Also included is the Hospital Disaster Plan, you can download it below Disaster_Plan_2009    
Disaster_Plan_2009[1].doc112 KB
SPECIAL NEEDS Annex.docx33.91 KB
Population Protection.docx37.05 KB
EOP Draft Plan 02092011 Commissioners copy.docx167.03 KB
Continuity of Government.docx25.95 KB
Continuity of Operations1.docx32.9 KB
Haxardous Weather.docx37.96 KB

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*Monthly Fire Meeting* Third Monday 7:00 pm Training Center


County Commissioners

Meets 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month

Court House

City Council

Meets 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm

City Hall


Meets quarterly on the 2nd Tuesday 12:00 pm

Jan, April, July and Oct.

Training Center

City & County Fire

Meets every Third Monday 7:00 pm

Training Center

Grassy Mountain FD


At Training Center

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