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Public Health

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Meagher County Health Department

Phone 406-547-3234
Fax 406-547-3443
16 W. Main
PO Box 309
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645
Usual Hours are Monday through Thursday 9-5
Services provided:
·         Immunizations from birth through 19 years
·         Immunizations for adults
·         Influenza shots
·         TB skin testing
·         Resource & services referral
·         MT Healthy Kids insurance applications
·         Health Screens
·         Hematocrit levels
·         Blood Pressure checks
·         Newborn and Postpartum resources
·         And many other services.

Public Meetings

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*Monthly Fire Meeting* Third Monday 7:00 pm Training Center


County Commissioners

Meets 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month

Court House

City Council

Meets 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm

City Hall


Meets quarterly on the 2nd Tuesday 12:00 pm

Jan, April, July and Oct.

Training Center

City & County Fire

Meets every Third Monday 7:00 pm

Training Center

Grassy Mountain FD


At Training Center

Board Meeting.


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