You are hereThe CWPP Final

The CWPP Final

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After several years of trying to get the required C.W.P.P. (Community Wildfire Protection Plan), Meagher County was able to join the Counties of Cascade and Chouteau and received our approved C.W.P.P. in March of 2008. Chouteau County had the grant money, with their money Cascade and Meagher County were able to join them to pay Fire logistics.

This plan has been developed to assist Meagher County, Meagher County Fire Department and the federal and state wildland agencies in the identification of private and public lands at risk of severe wildland fires and to explore strategies for the prevention and suppression of such fires.
The C.W.P.P. has been added to this page for your convenience, as you may down load it for review. If you have any comments or questions, please contact the Meagher County Fire Chief, Rick Seidlitz at
Thanks for any help you can give.




You can download the Meagher County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) below.

Meagher County CWPP Final.pdf.zip4.54 MB

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Meets quarterly on the 2nd Tuesday 12:00 pm

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