You are hereCommon Operating Picture

Common Operating Picture

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By admin - Posted on 22 April 2011

The common operating picture is being developed as a place to go for all individuals to go and get all the information we have about an incident. If you look at the bottom of this page you will find attached files. The one named Meagher County we have added the named road, private drives, structures, ownership and commissioner districts. RAPMF is the layer which contains the lay out for the concert coming to White Sulphur Springs on the end of July. Flooding is a layer which contains road closures, road damage and photos of the flooding.
You need to have Google Earth loaded on your computer for this to work. Just click on the file and Google Earth will automatically load up and go to the area of the file.
If you do not have Google Earth go to
If this link does not work, just copy and paste it to a web browser. This is a free down load, just go through the steps. Once it is downloaded you can go to this page and click on the file and you will have it.
Any problems get a hold of Rick Seidlitz at 547-4290 or for assistance.
These files will be updated from time to time, so for the latest information you will need to come back to this page to get the newest information.

Fires.kmz6.2 MB
Meagher County 09152014.kmz508.22 KB

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Meets 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm

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Meets quarterly on the 2nd Tuesday 12:00 pm

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Meets every Third Monday 7:00 pm

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