You are hereDecals For the Fire Equipment

Decals For the Fire Equipment

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By admin - Posted on 24 April 2010

Decals now identify responding Meagher County Fire vehicles, courtesy of a $5,000 donation made to the Meagher County Fire Department.   For several years now, Meagher County Fire has tried to come up with the money for decals to identify the fire engines, as is required by D.O.T. and N.F.P.A. The lack of identifying decals has been a safety issue for our volunteers, as responding to emergency situations most of the time has them parked in driving lanes on the streets and highways. Every year more emergency services personnel are seriously injured or killed in traffic related incidents than anything else.
When the donation was received, it was decided to use the money for the purchase of decals for the fire equipment, trucks and communications trailers. The Sheriff’s Department had recently purchased decals for their vehicles and had done a lot of research to find the best deal for purchasing decals. Meagher County Fire went to work with the same company to set up their decal design.
The company, located in Helena, set up several designs that were presented to the volunteers and one was decided upon. Four fire engines have been completed with the total cost, including labor, $2,160.00. Two communications trailers, the Hummer and unit 119, a 5 Ton tender, are still to be completed.


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