You are hereBoil Order

Boil Order

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By admin - Posted on 20 June 2012

Boil Orders are issued as a result of flooding, broken water lines, or pumping difficulties that may cause contaminated water. Anyone who ingests contaminated water may become ill. Infants, young children, the elderly, and persons with compromised immune systems are more at risk for illness.
Treat ALL water used for:
Teeth brushing
Cleaning dishes
Diluting fruit juices
Preparing infant formula
Food preparation
Making ice cubes
Washing your hands
Coffeemakers (does not reach high enough temperature)
Boil water vigorously for 3 minutes prior to use!
Disinfecting Water rather than boiling:
            For water consumption-
Add one teaspoon of unscented chlorine bleach for every 5 gallons of water.
Let stand for 30 minutes before using
Be sure to use sanitized containers for storing the water.
For dishes or food contact surfaces or washing hands-
Add one teaspoon of unscented chlorine bleach for every 1 gallon of water.
Immerse for at least one minute into treated lukewarm water
Allow to air dry
Other tips:
Use hand sanitizer instead of treated bleach water
Put a cup over your faucets as a reminder to not use the water
To improve the flavor of boiled water, put in a pinch of salt for every gallon
Put clean ice cubes into storage bags right away, shut off ice machines
Pets are usually not affected by the same diseases as humans, however you may choose to give them treated water
Use bottled water for consumption and teeth brushing
Ask a friend who is on well or spring water to fill up some gallon containers
Prepare Ahead of Time!!
Store bottled water or use gallon containers and rotate supply every 6 months
Store paper tableware and plastic eating utensils
Store a gallon of chlorine household bleach
Store a bottle of hand sanitizer


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