You are hereEOP REVIEW
On the 8th of February the L.E.P.C. Met at the Meagher County Fire Training Center and reviewed the Emergency Operations Plan, E.O.P. Meagher County received a $15,000 grant to update this plan which was to be completed in March, we just received an extension to July. This grant is a 100% grant, anything Meagher County spends for this review and update will be refunded to Meagher County.
At Tuesday’s review we spent 7 hours with the group going line by line, checking for changes. Also contributing to the review was Bob Fry, Montana District 3 rep for the State Of Montana.
The new revised E.O.P. was placed onto the web site, where you may download it to review. Any questions or remarks you may contact Rick Seidlitz Meagher County D.E.S. Coordinator at 547-4290 or