You are hereMeagher County Fire Spring Training Burns

Meagher County Fire Spring Training Burns

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By admin - Posted on 21 April 2010

On Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th, Meagher County Fire did several burns for area ranchers. These burns were in hazardous areas and the fire department was able to test its equipment and personnel to see that we were ready for the 2010 fire season. 

Monday three pivots of grain were burned just off to the east of the Grassy Mountain Subdivision. On Tuesday morning a field of sheet grass was burned off just west of Ringling, and in the afternoon we burned a stubble field just north of town in the Park Hills.
A special thanks to the volunteers, the burns went off without a hitch, and we did find a few things we need to get ready before the season gets more active. We did some good training and should be ready for the fire season.
One very notable finding was just how bad the bug infestation is in the Park Hills. Though you can see red trees from town, up close you can see it is much worse. The trees are in very bad shape.
Remember to call Meagher County Dispatch at 547-3397and get a burning permit before you burn.


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