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Lighting Fire Near Camp Baker

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By admin - Posted on 30 June 2011

On June 23rd 2011 at approximately 03:22 pm, Rocking C’s Ranch reported a lightning strike fire on the Cruz property, to which they had five personnel responding on 4 wheelers.  Meagher County Fire responded with Lee Zehntner in engine 111, Fire Chief Rick Seidlitz in truck 101, and Sheriff Jon Lopp and Deputy Sheriff Shane Sereday in a patrol unit.

When Meagher County Fire arrived on scene, Chad Evans informed them that the crew from Rocking C’s was able to corral the fire and it was now under control. With the situation well handled, Meagher County Fire and Law Enforcement returned to town.
Remember: 4th of July weekend is here, be careful when lighting fireworks.




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